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Please complete the Equine Facilitated Learning Registration and Covid 19 declaration forms (please read in full)​ if you have received confirmation of your booking. 

Please select the options related to you (If you have any questions please discuss in confidence with your Instructor)

Thanks for submitting!

Equine Facilitated Learning Registration Form (please read)

Tullynewbank Stables provides Equine Facilitated Learning programmes incorporating a variety of activities with horses.  Horses are large animals and can be unpredictable.   Each participant can choose the level of his or her participation; however, it is essential that you discuss, in confidence, any relevant medical history with the Instructor

Correspondence by email

Tullynewbank Stables Ltd / Team Build Ireland Ltd, we will not share your details  


Medical Information

Let us know if you have any medical condition or dietary conditions or requirements. If you do please discuss in confidence with your Instructor



If we take photographs they will possibly be used for marketing purposes      


Acceptance of Responsibility & Parental Approval

I understand that horses are large animals, they can be unpredictable in their behavior therefore there may be a risk involved in Equine Facilitated Learning.  In the event of an emergency the facilitator will provide first aid and/or seek emergency medical care or hospitalization, as appropriate. It is a condition of participation that minors under 18 must have parental approval.

Tullynewbank Stables Client – Covid-19 declaration (please read in full)

Tullynewbank Stables is doing everything we can to protect our clients as well as our staff and yard liveries. To ensure we do this as effectivly as possible we are following the guidelines that have been set out for us by the BHS (British Horse Society) and our local health department in regards to social distancing practices in order to reduce the spread of covid-19. 

Part of this is to ensure that our staff maintain a two metre distance between themselves and the clients as much as possible and we will require the same procedure for client-to-client contact in order to limit the exposure to all individuals.

Due to the Covid-19 situation the yard has been closed off to outsiders visiting, this is to prevent close contact in smaller spaces and to prevent unnecessary contact with equipment, gates, toilets and stable doors. Therefore bookings are by appointment only.

Hand sanitizer has been provided at the entrance gate as well as outside the tearoom, and there is free access to toilets so we ask that you wash or sanitise your hands often when on the yard premises.

Please understand that although many precautions have been taken to ensure minumum risk is being taken, horses are unpredictible and injury may occur, if this happens, staff may need to assist you and may not be able to maintain the two metre distance depending on the severity of the injuries.

By signing this form, you are agree that you have read the information above and are aware of the risks that are involved when visiting the yard.

You are also stating that you have not been in contact with anyone with covid-19 or anyone with symptoms of covid-19. You are also stating that you yourself/ your child do not have any symptoms of covid-19: a dry cough, a fever, a high temperature or breathing difficulties.

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